The following items are true. This is just a collection of things that have made me laugh quite a bit, and deserved to be archived somewhere. So what better place than my web site?
Right now, this is a very small collection. I'll add to it as my life experience presents appropriate material. If you have anything that may fit in this category, please email it to me using the address at the bottom of the home page of this web site..
Time -
This true news story actually comes
from the year 1997. Some company employees in Pennsylvania were arrested
for sodomizing a turkey. Personally, I cannot imagine a turkey being that
Obituary -
This lady's name and the name of the
funeral home are both contradictory.
Personalized License Plate -
It doesn't seem to be helping him very
much in this situation.
At Wal-Mart -
This is proof that all of us have different standards. The actual
newspaper that this was clipped from is unknown.
Perverted Recycling
Message -
This insert was in my monthly
water/sewage bill, and its intent was to promote recycling. But how can
you look at this drawing without your mind being diverted to perverted
Redneck Wedding
Announcement- This guy really picked a nice shirt to wear for their
engagement photo. And how old is she, anyway?
Water Week
The Missing Elvis Impersonator
The Serious Email Response To My Stupid Usenet Post
The Typo(?) In The Sporting Goods Store Advertisement