This web site is what happens when
you want to have your own web site,
but you have no idea what it should be about.
So I decided to make it about anything
that happens to come to mind!

This site was last updated on September 30, 2014.

Check out my newest songs --
"She Blinded Me With Drano",
"I Hate Self-Flushing Toilets",
and "Paradise In My GPS" !

And check out my "Kaizen Blitz" music video!
(This is my first music video!)

K.N.O.W. Talent Agency
Yes, I have recorded a bunch of crazy songs!
"She Blinded Me With Drano" was added on 12/31/13!

Goofy Pictures
New pictures added 9/30/14! Guest Book
You can post your comments, feedback, etc. here!
Added 2/12/09!
Misspelled .... funny ... bad grammar ... you name it!
New pictures added 3/11/13!
My YouTube Videos
I have uploaded a few videos to YouTube.  You can check them out here!
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Updated 1/15/09!
Personal Stuff Wacky Web Links
Pet Peeves
My personal list of things that have the potential to drive me batty.
The Date From Hell
A true story!
Buy My Junk!
Click here to see if I have anything for sale on eBay!


Please send feedback on this site to me at  Thanks!

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Some portions of Eric Brown's Mixed Bag copyright 2005 Eric Brown. All rights reserved, so you don't get any!